At you can quickly generate any type credit card numbers such as Visa CardMasterCard,   American Express,JCB CardDiscover Card, and Diners Card using namso ccgen.  

These credit cards numbers are generated using based on a mathematical formula that complied with the standard format of the Luhn algorithm (mod 10). The Luhn algorithm formula is used to validate the generation of credit card numbers by using the combination of the Credit Card Bin Number (bank identification number) or IIN(issuer identification number) which is mostly about first six digits of credit card number, the account number which ranges from 6 to 9 digits (used to identify the cardholder’s account number) and then the check digit which is the last number added to confirm the authenticity of the credit card. Click here To know more about credit card bin checker 

Generating a credit card number The Luhn algorithm has two basic ways of logically validating the generation of a credit card number in the following ways: 

  1. When the modulo of the addition of the newly generated credit card number equals to 0, then we would say that the credit card number passes the Luhn algorithm test. Hence, making the generated number valid. 
  2. When the modulo of the addition of the newly generated number does not equal 0 that is (1-9), then the conclusion that the generated credit card number is invalid since it does not passes the Luhn algorithm test. 

Additionally, you can generate Free credit card numbers by simply assigning number prefixes using the MII number of Major Industry Identifier Number. Using the table below.